MONZAR was founded in 1998
It employs 20 workers. Welders certified according to DIN EN ISO 3834-2. The certified quality system according to ISO 9001: 2008.
Company profile
the company MONZAR spol. Was established in 1998
it employs 20 workers
the company owns buildings and warehouses with complete machinery equipment for the production and prefabrication of piping systems, steel structures, and locksmith products
The company has its own lifting, handling and transport means to ensure the full scope of its activities
Thecompany has a certified systems
on quality management ISO 9001: 2008
on environmental management ISO 14001: 2004
on occupational safety and health management BS OHSAS 18001: 2007
The company is certified as a "welding operator" according to DIN EN ISO 3834-2
The Monzar company Offers comprehensive solutions in the following areas:
production, prefabrication, supply and installation of piping systems, production, supply and installation of steel structures, locksmith products and machinery for chemical and food industry and civic amenities
performing overhauls, assembly, and disassembly on/of? production equipment
complete implementation of machine-technological supplies on a turnkey basis, including the provision of comprehensive project documentation, static calculations, technical inspections, tests, and issuance of protocols
ensuring the assembly of largemachine-technological equipment with its own lifting, handling, and transport technology